Blueprint is a personalized nutrition company.
We take the guesswork out of eating right to improve health. Unlike one-size-fits all approaches or fad diets, we help you discover the right foods for you by understanding and measuring your blood work, inflammatory markers, lifestyle, physical activity, dietary habits, sleep patterns and personal glucose response to food.
For decades, nutrition recommendations have followed a one-size-fits-all template. Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, for example, and making half your grains whole grains have been the central guidelines aimed at improving the way we eat for decades. Despite this, many people struggling with their health feel that generic suggestions aren’t very helpful, and confusion about food choices and nutrition is all too common.
Removing the guessing game from what a “healthy diet” means to you is at the heart of Blueprint Nutrition.
You are complex, and so is nutrition. We look at the whole you, not just the parts. Find out how we can help, our mission, our methods, and the services we provide.
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Ready to take the next step? We keep Virtual office hours. Call us today to schedule a consultation.